The dimpled, orange-peel skin characteristic of cellulite is not an illness but if you don’t like having it there are things you can do to reduce its appearance and prevent it forming.

Cellulite is the stagnation of fatty tissue commonly on the hips and thighs. I have had so many of my female clients complain of their cellulite – even thin ones – and have had enough happy clients that I have decided to advertise my bespoke, anti-cellulite acupuncture-cupping treatment programme.

So, if you decide not to ignore your cellulite but do something about it you may have to commit to a few longer term life-style changes – see Homework.

The aim of the treatment programme is to disperse the fat and improve circulation to the area.  As a traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist (tCM) I will look, amongst other things, at why your body is depositing fat in these areas. Often, there are energy lines/meridians which run through the area – perhaps the Gall Bladder (GB) – see pic.

Your acupuncture-cupping programme will be based on full tCM diagnosis and followed by a blend of cupping massage, local acupuncture and body acupuncture. Our aim is to find out why you are getting cellulite, disperse your cellulite and stop it recurring.

What to Expect
An initial diagnosis discussing your health, diet & lifestyle.  Followed by a first treatment which will start with some deep massage & cupping followed by local and body needling. Follow up treatments will start with a quick review followed by the massage-cuppping-acupuncture combo.

Anti-Cellulite Home Work
- avoid foods that create fat in the body: fatty foods, refined carbs & sugars, milk products
- work on your cellulite, massage it with a spiky body massager, pummel it – stop the fat from stagnating!
- Drink water regularly throughout the day – warm is best.

Anti-Cellulite Acupuncture-Cupping Programme
1 treatment of 90 minutes (£70)
followed by 7 treatments of 60 minutes (£60 each)
2 sessions per week for 4 weeks recommended

£460 for 8 treatment package (£30 discount)
£110 for an initial consultation & follow up only (£20 discount)

Acupressure Massage is often described as 'Acupuncture without the needles.'  It is a form of massage which combines the techniques of massage with acupressure point stimulation.  The points are stimulated with sustained, gentle but firm pressure.  An Acupressure Massage is based upon an initial traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis.

Seated Acupressure Massage
This is a 30 minute seated massage performed through clothes and without the use of oil.  It is a deeply relaxing massage of the shoulders, arms and neck.  Available as an on-site or corporate massage.

Our traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncturist, Ruth Irving has supported many smokers in stopping smoking. She uses a specialist ear acupuncture technique called the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol. The N.A.D.A protocol is used succesfully in U.S. and U.K. drug rehabilitation.

As smoking is a powerful addiction, acupuncture may help:

  • reduce cravings
  • manage anxiety and stress
  • control appetitie
  • clear cough and phlegm
  • increase will power

Ruth uses both ear and body acupuncture as often energetic imbalances make it difficult for people to give up smoking.  This combination also supports your body's recovery to good health.  She will discuss your smoking habit with you in detail to identify your smoking triggers and help to devise short-term coping strategies.

Acupuncture is not a 'magic bullet' for stopping smoking.  At least 3 treatments are recommended initially.  As people respond differently to acupuncture, you may need more or less than 3 treatments.  For more information and advice about stopping smoking visit the NHS website here.


Dear Ruth, It is 10 weeks come Saturday when I had acupuncture treatment from when I was stopping smoking.  I am delighted to tell you I am now a non-smoker and I would like to thank you for your treatment but most of all your chat with me explaining that acupuncture could only help if I had a desire to stop smoking.  I had that desire and I am delighted to say I am a non-smoker.

I would recommend you to any one who has a desire to stop smoking to give you a try I would say it is the best money I have spent for a long time a great investment. Thanking you again.

M.M.  (age 72) Aspatria

A smouldering herb known as moxa (moxibustion) is burnt at a specific area at the end of the little toe. This point, when stimulated with moxa, has a powerful effect on relaxing the muscles of the uterus encouraging your baby to turn.

The compressed herb is in the form of a cigar-shaped stick.  The end of the stick is lit and the herbs start to smoulder. The point is warmed on both little toes for about 15-20 minutes. The heat that is generated radiates into the point and stimulates its actions on the uterine muscles.  The moxa does not touch the skin, but must be held at a safe distance away.

Ideally treatment is started at week 34 of the pregnancy and the best results are often gained before week 37 as after this stage there is so little room for the baby to move. Moxibustion is a safe and gentle way of attempting to turn babies.

Our acupuncturist will apply the moxibustion and then show you how to stimulate the points at home, providing you with moxa sticks.  You are welcome to bring a partner or friend to your moxa demonstration.

Acupuncture is a safe, drug free treatment choice to support you and your baby throughout all the stages of your pregnancy - from morning sickness to labour induction.  This fact sheet on obstetrics produced by the British Acupuncture Council summaries research on how acupuncture may be of benefit during pregnancy.

Your traditional Acupuncturist may employ a range of traditional Chinese medicine techniques, depending on your condition.  For example, Acupressure (firm sustained pressure to a specific acu-point) or moxa (burning herb) may be used with, or without the use of needles.  As traditional Acupuncture is an holistic treatment, it will be decided which treatment modality/ies would best suit you at your initial consultation.